Blogging from an iPad

After a day’s hacking, I am pleased that I can update my blog using an iPad. Here’s how I did it:

  1. I researched the topic, finding some good info on Avery Vine’s post.

  2. I wrote a script, ConvertBlogFromPublishToJekyll.swift, to convert my posts from the markdown flavor used by Publish to the markdown flavor used by Jekyll.

That’s it, there’s no step three. Whenever I want to post to my blog from my iPad, I just edit the sources in Working Copy. Because the blog is backed by a git project, I can also edit the blog from any other device that supports a git client, including a regular Mac or PC.

This works because Jekyll support is built into web pages. Whenever a new commit is made, Github’s servers automatically run the Jekyll app to regenerate my blog.

Pro tip: The Working Copy text editor can be switched from “Programming” mode to “Natural” mode. Natural mode provides spell checking.