…as seen on the Beyond3D GPGPU forum, here are the presentations from the recent (December 12th 2008) “Beyond Programmable Shading” course:
SIGGRAPH Asia 2008: Parallel Computing for Graphics: Beyond Programmable Shading
There are good presentations from both GPU vendors and academics. My favorite presentations are the Intel ones on Larrabee, just because I’m so interested in that architecture:
Parallel Programming on Larrabee - describes the Larrabee fiber/task programming model.
Next-Generation Graphics on Larrabee - how Larrabee’s standard renderer is structured, and how it can be extended / modified.
IBM / Sony missed a bet by not presenting here. That’s too bad, because Cell sits between the ATI / NVIDIA parts and Larrabee in terms of programmability. And Cell’s been available for long enough that there should be a number of interesting results to report.
Note to self: consider buying a PS3 and learning Cell programming, just to get ready for Larrabee. Heh, yeah, that’s the ticket. Being able to play PS3-specific games like Little Big Planet and Flower would be just a coincidental bonus.